The debt mountain
- 22nd of September 2015

Confucius — ‘The man whomoves a mountainbegins by carrying away small stones.’
Read MoreSeven Costly Sins - Sin #1
- Guest Contributor
- 16th of September 2015

Thinking of selling your home? Join us for part one of a seven part series, the 'Seven Costly Sins' that home owners commit when selling their home.
Read MoreI am a buyer, what good is an agent to me?
- Guest Contributor
- 15th of September 2015

I am a buyer, what good is a real estate agent to me? This is a question I get asked all the time. The estate agent works for the seller this is true – but they also have to treat the buyer fairly....
Read MoreRent yourself but get a rental
- 14th of September 2015

A conversation I’ve had a couple of times recently has been with couples considering selling their house and renting in a more desirable area. The risk that you always run with this type of option is...
Read MoreWhat is Financial Capability?
- Emily Doran
- 4th of September 2015

This week was Money Week run by the Commission for Financial Capability (CFFC), and it's been great to see attention drawn in the media and community to important issues like Retirement Saving, ...
Read MoreWatch for Money Owing on Chattels
- Guest Contributor
- 3rd of September 2015

Many households are now making use of council loans to assist with insulating their properties built before 2000 in addition to government grants through EnergyWise, so that their properties are...
Read MoreGetting into real estate investment
- Emily Doran
- 21st of August 2015
Book Review: Buy and Hold - Simple steps to successful real estate investment in New Zealand
Read MoreGetting your home ready for sale
- Guest Contributor
- 21st of August 2015
Selling a house is hard. It's even harder when potential buyers have to 'look past' clutter, mess, dirt and all those little things you always 'meant to get round to'. Before you put your house on...
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